The desire to be excellent, to think that one is excellent 優秀でありたい、優秀であると思いたい、と言う欲求
If you are Japanese, you have probably heard at least once that humans have 108 worldly desires. The strongest of these is "appetite,"...
A true wise man does not seek power, 本当の賢者は、権力の座を求めたりしません、、
Looking back at the history of mankind as we know it, we can see that in every age there have been "those in power" and "those who seek...
A flat road, a road with mountains and valleys, everything is exper平坦な道、山あり谷ありの道、全て経験で、その先に未来が、創られる。
From the flat road, the horizon can be seen, From the valley, the summit can be seen. From the top of the mountain, you can see the...
Life is, "What was I born for?" Training to ask yourself 人生は、「何の為に産まれて来たか?」?を自問自答する修行、、
Can you answer the question, "Why were you born?" Can you answer this question? Surprisingly few people can answer this question...
Compassion for others is nurtured by experience, 他者への思い遣りは、経験で育まれる、、
If you become a parent, you will know the feelings and thoughts of your parents. If you are a president, you know the position that the...
In life you have several choices. 人生には、幾つかの選択肢があります。
There are several choices in life. For example, Do we live from the perspective of "i"? Or do we live from the perspective of "we"? One...
Thanks to all beings, 全ての存在に、感謝を、、
People who can appreciate all beings, Is bright and light. One's existence is confirmed by all the people and all the life that exists...
The bright personality that everyone has, 全ての人が持つ輝く個性、、
Every person has an irreplaceable experience and experience every second of his or her life since birth. It is a unique experience. And...
An ear of rice that hangs its head as it bears fruit 実るほど、首を垂れる稲穂かな、、
An ancient Japanese teaching.., No one is offended when they see ears of rice hanging down. Human beings always want to be humble. But it...
acknowledgment relationship 認め合う関係、、
Do you like people who accept and accept you for who you are? I think many people like it, Conversely, people who accept and acknowledge...